1450 Allerton Avenue
Bronx, NY 10469-5626
Phone 718-231-9166
© The Paige Fraser Foundation

Dance - "Dance Strong"

Kids in dance class.

“Dance Strong” aims to use a dance and movement curriculum designed for individuals with cognitive and certain physical disabilities. It is an 8-week workshop series, divided into two four-week cohorts. Each class is be taught by various professionals who have extensive experience teaching a holistic curriculum that adapts to different types of disabilities.

The program aims to engage youth ages from 8 to 17 who live in the Bronx and beyond. The sessions include adaptive yoga, breathwork, movement, and creative expression. These activities aim to improve gait, motor skills, body alignment, balance, coordination, concentration, relaxation, and body awareness. Dance has proven to promote coordination, posture, muscle strength, motor learning, and executive functioning. A systematic review that includes thirteen studies shows that exercise interventions consisting of rhythmic activities such as yoga and dance can result in improvements to stereotypic behaviors, social-emotional functioning, cognition, and attention.

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