1450 Allerton Avenue
Bronx, NY 10469-5626
Phone 718-231-9166
© The Paige Fraser Foundation

Events Calendar

Film Festival

Friday, November 10, 2023
8:00 pm EST9:00 pm EST

It’s this Satuday, November 11, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. and tickets are just $12.00!

Join us and view "Reading the Body: Recovery," a film collaboration of TPFF and BLR and a selection of the NY Short Film Festival. Our selection for this festival is one of 10 awards/sections the film has won! See Paige Fraser Hoffman, Samantha Figgins, Joey Kipps and Jerron Herman in a film of beauty and discovery with original music by Composer, Darryl Joseph Hoffman.

Get tickets right now! https://filmfreeway.com/NewYorkShort/tickets

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